Bringing Light When It’s Darkest
Helping those who need help. In whatever way we can
Why the pride flag in the logo?
As allies or persons part of the LBTQIA+ community we felt that the flag is a great way to show that they have a safe space inside the Lone Lantern Foundation. Secondly, the pride flag is also in line with our ideology, meaning that our organization stives to be an all-encompassing/ all-inclusive place where people, no matter the race religion or gender, can come to us for help.
How we got started:
The Lone Lantern Foundation is the brainchild of a group of people who came together to help as many people as possible and make a true difference in our community both locally but also, hopefully with your help, nationally. We saw the struggle of the people and we wanted to do more. We took the first year together and just brainstormed what we wanted to do and where we wanted to go with the organization. We helped a few families for Christmas when we first came up with the idea. We selected three families and put what we could to give to them. the parents got food for the house and the kids toys. With the overwhelming positive response we got from the families and from those around us we knew without a doubt this was the beginning of a BRIGHT future.